Ziel unseres Forums hier ist, Migräne Geplagten zu helfen, mit Tips und Ratschlägen...und unseren Erfahrungen. Wer sehr häufig unter Kopfschmerzen oder Migräne leidet, kann nur noch schwer einen normalen Alltag leben! Behandlungen und Therapien * Info Inklusive: Allgemein, Neuere med. Behandlg. (ONS),
Any migraine patient in world who receives 400 to 500 attacks per years? My stomach is filled with pills. If I sleep, I get worst pain after sleep. So I prefer to sit all the day and night on the chair. Only MIGRIL tablet help me in migraine . I take 10 tablets per week for pain. 500 tablets in year. When I was 10 years old , , I had received 1 attack of migraine pain per week, When I was 20 I received 3 to 5 attacks per week When I was 30 I received 5 to 7 per week When I was 40 I received 7 to 10 attacks per week Now I am 58, I receive 10 to 15 attacks per week When I will be 60 years - I do not know what will be happen to me. I left the job as a bank manager due to 15 attacks per week. I am only parson in my whole family feeling migraine.Thank God my kids are well. I do not want to die or suicide. I want to live for my family.
Help me
I didn't find the right solution from the internet. References: